Joe Sestak, Best Choice for US Senate
I had the chance to say a few words about Joe Sestak for US Senate:
Joe Sestak has a record of standing up on behalf of women. He is the pro-choice, feminist candidate in this race. He was one of only 5 Pennsylvania Representatives that voted against the Stupak-Pitts Amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill, an amendment that makes the right of a legal abortion essentially meaningless because it will effectively kill access.
He authored the Gender Equity Act of 2010 to redress economic injustices to women in the workplace and to help those who are caregivers in their families. He has co-sponsored important legislation for women including the Lilly Ledbetter Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act which extends the time women have to report pay discrimination.
He is a strong supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment and full rights and privileges for civil marriages. He is pro-labor, a staunch advocate for small business and co-sponsored the Internet Freedom Act to establish net neutrality as the law of the land. For all these reasons and more, the National Organization for Women enthusiastically supports Joe Sestak for the Senate.
Joe Sestak's stance on women's issues is consistent, and illustrates his deep integrity; he does not blow with the wind.
We don't need another Blue Dog Democrat. We don't need another Senator whose only concern is political survival, who will horsetrade away rights and protections for women. We need a Senator who realizes women are half the population, not just another special interest group.
We need Joe Sestak in the US Senate!
To learn more about his campaign go to
Caryn Hunt
I couldn't agree more. Joe Sestak cares about all members of a family.
It's a shame his district office doesn't what Joe preaches.
The polls now show that this Senate race is neck and neck. Joe Sestak needs your help in this final week to get out the vote. If you can help, please call 610-891-8956 and volunteer.
Joanne Tosti-Vasey, President Pennsylvania NOW and Chair PA NOW PAC
Joe is doing a terrific job for women. Sorry I missed the event.
Diano - please get a life.
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