Friday, March 26, 2010

Join Us at the Philadelphia NOW Interact

Thursday, April 1 • 6-8 p.m.
Tavern on Broad (formerly Zanibar Blue)
200 South Broad Street

Come out to interact with members of Philadelphia NOW in a more casual setting. Join us for stimulating conversation, good food, and delicious drinks. And, learn more about Philadelphia NOW and some of the things we're doing.

For more information, call 215.266.9021 or visit

Philadelphia NOW is committed to protecting the rights of women and families; endorsing pro-choice, feminist candidates at the local level; and supporting feminist issues of particular relevance to Philadelphians, including:
• Finding remedies to health access inequities for women;
• Ending the shackling of pregnant prisoners;
• Protecting essential city services, like libraries and recreation centers;
• Combatting racism; and
• Fighting for equal rights for all.

Won't you join us?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Healthy Birth Act Unanimously Passes State Senate

From Dee Johnson:

Well, we did it!

Senate Bill 1074, The Healthy Birth of Incarcerated Women Act, sponsored by State Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery County), unanimously passed the State Senate on Wednesday, March 17 (50-0).

The Healthy Birth of Incarcerated Women Act will prohibit the practice of shackling pregnant prisoners in Pennsylvania during transport to the hospital and while they are in labor, delivery and recovery. The bill must now pass the House of Representatives.

“This is common sense legislation that clears up an issue that should have been standardized years ago,” Leach said. “To endanger a woman and her unborn child during birth simply because she is under custody of the state is a misguided practice. I am hopeful that my colleagues in the House of Representatives will agree and will send this bill to the governor’s desk quickly.”

Thanks to the many organizations and individuals who worked diligently to ensure that this important measure passed.

WHAT'S NEXT? Please contact your State Representative to express your support. To find your State Representative, click on this link: Who's My State Rep?

Click on this link to watch a BBC Report on Shackling Pregnant Prisoners in Pennsylvania

Friday, March 12, 2010

Southeastern Pennsylvania Political Action Committee of the National Organization for Women (SEPA NOWPAC) Announces PANOW Endorsement of Joe Hoeffel

NORRISTOWN, PA-On Thursday, March 11 the newly formed Southeastern Pennsylvania Political Action Committee of the National Organization for Women (SEPA NOWPAC) announced Pennsylvania NOW's Endorsement of Joe Hoeffel for Governor and their endorsement of several candidates for local and state office.

SEPA NOWPAC promotes a stronger grassroots presence for progressive, feminist issues by endorsing political candidates in support of our issues at the local regional level in Southeastern PA.

Voter rich southeastern PA is fast becoming the hub of progressive politics in the state. It is fertile ground for feminist organizing. SEPA NOW PAC was formed to recuit and support candidates committed to feminist issues and thus contribute to the growth of progessive, feminist politics in Southeastern PA.

“We are very aware that the people we elect in Southeastern PA don’t just affect their districts but the Delaware Valley region as a whole,” said President Helene Ratner. “It is our honor to announce our list of endorsed candidates and especially excited that PA NOW has endorsed Joe Hoeffel for Governor. Joe has a career of standing up for the rights of everyone and has been extremely supportive and active among Women’s and Pro-Choice groups for years. We know that he is the only candidate who will fight to maintain a woman’s right to choose and actively pursue equality for the thousands of LGBT voters in Pennsylvania.”

In response to the endorsement, Joe Hoeffel had this to say “I'm proud to have fought the fights I've fought throughout my career in public service to stand up for the rights of women, from fighting for economic empowerment, to protecting the right to choose. Together, with the support of Southeast PA NOW PAC, and Pennsylvania NOW, we will elect a progressive governor in Pennsylvania."

Among the other endorsees are State Senator LeAnna Washington, State Representative Vanessa Brown and State Senate candidate Ruth Damsker. “Whenever it is possible, NOW and our local PAC will be as supportive of Pro-Choice female candidates as possible” said Ratner. “I am very proud of the women we are endorsing today, for all of their accomplishments and look forward to them serving in our Legislature. We will also be endorsing more women this year and I am thrilled to see the list of women running for office, a more diverse government serves us best.”

From State Representative Vanessa Lowry Brown: "Of all endorsements that come my way, it gives me great sense of pride to receive the endorsement of Philadelphia NOWPAC and Southeastern Pensylvania NOWPAC. This endorsement has greater meaning to me because it takes place during March, "Women's History Month", and it recognizes the accomplishments and contributions women have made in our communities, in our families and in our work. My life's work of advocacy has been motivated by the 1966 NOW's Purpose Statement, especially the following passage, "WE BELIEVE THAT women will do most to create a new image of women by acting now, and by speaking out in behalf of their own equality, freedom, and human dignity."

State Senate candidate Ruth Damsker had this to add “As a lifelong public servant I have dedicated my career to helping those in need, especially women, children, and the elderly. I am eager to bring my experience and proven abilities to the daunting task of ending partisan gridlock in Harrisburg and finally giving Pennsylvanians the government they deserve. As a State Senator, I plan to focus my energy on economic revitalization, smart growth policies, property tax reform, ethics and campaign finance reform, and equal rights for all. I will continue to fight for a woman’s right to choose and the right for equal pay for equal work.”

SEPA NOW PAC includes the Philadelphia, Montgomery and Bucks County NOW chapters.