Saturday, December 14, 2013

New Slate of Officers Elected to the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for Women

December 9, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact Person: Karen Bojar at

Nina Ahmad, Ph.D. to lead the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for Women New Slate of Officers Elected to the Philadelphia Chapter of the multi-issue progressive feminist advocacy group

Philadelphia, PA – The Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW), a key feminist advocacy group in the region has elected its new slate of Officers for the 2014-2016 term. Nina Ahmad, Ph.D., co-owner and Executive Vice President of Government Affairs of JNA Capital, Inc. has been elected as the President of the Chapter. Dr. Ahmad brings a wealth of experience in engaging diverse audiences through community outreach as the Chair of the Mayor’s Commission on Asian American Affairs of Philadelphia and is involved with a host of other organizations including serving on the Board of Women’s Campaign International, which focuses on women’s equality through building skills that help women become effective agents of change. Dr. Ahmad stated, “As a mother of two daughters I am alarmed at the current regression of women’s rights in our country; hard-fought rights earned with blood, sweat and tears. Our future generations should not have to fight these same battles.” She further stated, “I envision our Chapter being engaged in ensuring the promise of equal opportunity for all women by leveraging our collective assets. To that end, I am committed that our chapter membership will be multigenerational and diverse, and from all walks of life.”

In addition to Dr. Ahmad, the following slate of Officers was voted in for the 2014-2016 term: Executive Vice President: Natalie Catin, Principal for Grover Cleveland Mastery Charter School is a fierce advocate for enhancing educational opportunities for all children and furthering the feminist agenda.

Vice President for Finance: Kathy Black, Health and Safety Director for AFSCME DC47 is also the Philadelphia Chapter President of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, will continue to fight for women’s rights.

Vice President for Membership: Sharon Hurley, computer specialist with extensive administrative experience is focused on engaging our membership in feminist issue areas and on creating strong member network.

Secretary: Melody Lam, recent graduate of Temple University with a Bachelors of Science in Biology, is eager to leverage her organizational skills and experience in civic engagement/minority empowerment.

Treasurer: Louise Francis, the Consulting Principal and founder of Francis Analytics and Actuarial Data Mining, Inc. is a long time member of the Chapter, who has been engaged in advocating for feminist issues.

Delegate to the State Board: Karen Bojar, Professor Emerita of English and Women’s Studies at the Community College of Philadelphia, is a longtime feminist activist, past President (2001-2009) of Phila-NOW and looks to strengthen the relationship between Philadelphia NOW and Pennsylvania NOW.

Delegate to the State Board: Sharon Hurley (see above) will liaise with Pennsylvania NOW.

Delegate to the State Board: Sharon Williams Losier, practicing attorney and owner of Losier & Associates, is a civil rights activist engaged in furthering the feminist agenda and will liaise with Pennsylvania NOW.


The National Organization for Women: The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.

Visit NOW:; Philadelphia NOW at


At 3:35 PM , Blogger Kennieth said...


Please go to:

Please resend this message and post it at will.

Please do not attend this industry Pro-Fracking rally which is against the people.

We now know that the Limerick atomic power station site is 20 miles from Philadelphia, and
according to the Alliance for Clean Environment, there are fracking pads 17 miles from Limerick,
and that there have been earthquakes in Texas as a result of farcking. Texas has banned fracking,
as have several other states.

We have information that:

PA 190th District State Representative Vanessa Lowrey Brown

who has committed her office to assist in the coordination of
community people to attend the Pro-Fracking-Industry rally in
Harrisburg for Tuesday, May 6th, 2014. The Pro-Fracking industry rally
is being held against the interest of community people. The rally is being
held to oppose taxing fracking. There is a bill community people will benefit from
which is now in the PA State Senate, SB 13333, to tax fracking specifically in the
Marcellus Shale and other regions of Pennsylvania.

The fracking industry is bribing community people.

The charter school privateers and fracking industrialists are teaming up to bribe community people to support an industry that has no thought of the people other than to prevent the facking industry from being taxed to educate public school children.

At the time of that we found out about this rally, there were seven buses

committed to go to the rally from Philadelphia. This was announced to the

March monthly meeting of the West Philadelphia Coalition of Businesses and Neighbors

by the State Representative.

A pro-industry, Marcellus Shale Coalition spokeswoman presented the position of the
farcking industry before the State Representative, and said that she had given $55,00.00

to BAEO and to a charter school, and that money was available for other community groups.

The fracking industry has linked up with the charter school industry and is attempting to bribe community people into doing things against the interest of the community.

Please ask State Representative Vanessa Lowrey Brown not to support the
Pro-Fracking-Rally in Harrisburg on May 6th, 2014 which is funded and held
by industrialists and not by community groups.

Also, please ask that:
State Representative Vanessa Lowrey Brown
support House versions of a bills for Fracking to be taxed.

You can make contact at:

Hon. Vanessa Lowery Brown
328 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202190
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2190
(717) 783-3822
Fax: (717) 772-2384

We now know that the Limerick atomic power station site is 20 miles from Philadelphia.
According to the Alliance for Clean Environment, there are fracking pads 17 miles from Limerick,
There have been earthquakes in Texas as a result of fracking.
Texas has banned fracking, as have several other states.

Let us stop this insane use of our resources and the
insane support of an industry which is banned in a
number of locations.

In Love and Struggle
Ken Heard,
Tax Fracking Until It Does Not Exist
The Journal of the Working Class Struggle
POB 36765, Philadelphia, PA, 19107

At 10:15 PM , Blogger huedang said...

Công ty cổ phần In Hồng Đăng tự hào là đơn vị cung cấp hơn 10.000 mẫu phong bì đẹp cho các doanh nghiệp lớn nhỏ trong và ngoài nước. Với đội ngũ thiết kế trình độ chuyên môn cao, có nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong nghề và vớiin giấy khen số lượng lớn công nghệ in ấn tiên tiến và hiện đại nhất hiện nay sẽ giúp Quý khách hàng tạo ra những mẫu in phong bì đẹp – chuyên nghiệp – đẳng cấp.dịch vụ in giấy khen lấy ngay
Một chiếc phong bì độc đáo sang trọng đẳng cấp sẽ để lại ấn những mẫu giấy khen đẹptượng tốt trong lòng các đối tác, khách hàng để họ cảm nhận được tiềm năng phát triển của công ty bạn. In phong bì cần được thiết kế đơn giản các thông tin đặc biệt quanin phong bì công ty giá rẻ trọng để tạo điểm nhấn cho phong bì.Nên sử dụng họa tiết chìm cho phong bì trở nên sang trọng hơn công ty bạn.Hạn chế tối đa tình trạng phong bì nhiều màu
địa chỉ thiết kế phong bì đẹp thông tin tràn lan,không xử dụng họa tiết,hoa văn cầu kỳ làm mất đi tính thẩm mỹ của chiếc phong bì.bao gia in catalogue
Dịch vụ Phong bì là một sản phẩm phổthiết kế mẫu catalogue đẹp biến trong ngành in ấn, có thể được dia chi in cataloghiểu là vật dùng để chứa đựng trong nó các sản phẩm khác có dạng mỏng chủ yếu đựng các vật dụng của văn phòng phẩm (trong 3 kích thước thì có in thẻ tích điểm đẹpít nhất một kích thước có tỷ lệ khá nhỏ so với kích thước khác).

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At 5:53 AM , Blogger صيانة said...

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At 9:15 AM , Blogger وايت بوينت said...

جميع الأجهزة الكهربائية الموجوده في جميع المنازل معرضة دائما إلى الكثير من الأعطال التي قد تؤثر على كفاءتها لذلك مع توكيل وايت بوينت سيتم علاج جميع مشاكل الاجهزة الكهربائية بالاضافة الى توكيل كاريير حيث الجودة والكفاءة فى العمل للوصول الى اعلى مستوى وارضاء جميع العملاء الذين وضعوا ثقتهم بالتوكيل وكذلك ايضا توكيل يونيون اير الذى يتضمن قطع غيار نادره مميزه جدا لا مثيل لها فى اى توكيل اخر مما يجعله الاختيار الاول والاخير فى عالم الصيانة والتوكيل من اجل كل ذلك واكثر ننصح الجميع بالتعامل مع هذه التوكيلات الفريده

At 4:55 AM , Blogger toshiba said...

بادر الآن بالحصول على اقل الاسعار على جميع خدمات صيانة اجهزة توكيل ماجيك شيف الكهربائية الموجودة في منزلك اينما كنت في مصر و ذلك على يد فريق متخصص من فنيين توكيل توشيبا ذوي الخبرة العالية في القيام بجميع خدمات الصيانة لاجهزة توكيل وايت بوينت باستخدام احدث وسائل الصيانة المتطورة

At 4:14 AM , Blogger seocom said...

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الكهرباء من الأشياء الخطيرة التي تحتاج لفنين متخصص في جميع أعمال الكهرباء، فلا يوجد أكفأ من فني كهربائي بجدة التي يعمل في تركيب مفاتيح الكهرباء والنجف ويقوم بتمديد الأسلاك، كما أن كهربائي بجدة يقوم بفك وتركيب جميع الأجهزة الكهربائية ويستعين به معظم العملاء بجدة لأنه الأفضل في عمله دائماً فهو يعمل بذمة وضمير ولا يسبب عمله المخاطر.

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