next Monday, December 12th, 1606 Walnut, 3rd Fl., 5:30-7, when we will meet with Nicaraguan feminist leaders to exchange information and ideas about feminist organization building and confronting domestic violence. We will also be electing a new slate of officers for the new year, reviewing recent news and reporting on some of the campaigns the chapter is involved with. It's our holiday meeting so bring something for our potluck, if you can. No worries if you can't.
"THIS IS THE WEEK THAT IS" FUNDRAISER- 12/29Join us for a fun night out Thursday, December 29th for 1812 Productions'
This is the Week That Is, a hilarious send up of politics both local and national. Tickets are $32.
Pay $50 and get the ticket plus a year membership to Philadelphia NOW- a great deal! There will be a get-together before the show in South Philadelphia, 6-7:30, show starts at 8PM. RSVP to by next Wed, 12-14.
That is all the good news, here's the bad:
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DECIDES AGAINST FDA RECOMMEND ON PLAN B"Stunning" is the word most used by feminist groups responding to this news. Yesterday HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius decided to overrule the recommendation of FDA scientists and physicians charged to determine whether or not emergency contraception should be considered an over the counter drug, made available to all women of child-bearing age to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Read NOW's statement, and
TELL OBAMA NOT TO CAVE ON BIRTH CONTROL ACCESSSend a message to President Obama telling him not to cave on providing access to birth control to ALL women. The Administration has signaled that it is willing to allow religious employers- including hospitals and colleges- the right to refuse birth control coverage to women employees. It's simple: women should be in charge of fertility decisions, NOT their employers!!
Send a message today!ANTI-CHOICE BILLS MOVING IN PA HOUSEHB1977 and SB732 are two anti-choice bills on the move in the House. HB1977 would ban private insurers participating in the state insurance exchange from covering abortion. SB732, under consideration in the House, would force additional, unnecessary regulations, including ridiculous physical plant and personnel changes, on standalone abortion providers. The effect (certainly intended) would be to shut down most of them. Call your State Representative TODAY to make sure he/she knows you are pro-choice! More info at Follow their Twitter feed for continuous updates.