Friday, July 20, 2012

Kathy Black's Award Acceptance Speech, Bread & Roses Community Fund Tribute to Change

Kathy Black

Paul Robeson Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech

Bread & Roses Community Fund Tribute to Change

June 28, 2012

Thank you so much. Thank you Barbara, Kati, all the planning committee members, everyone who nominated me (Ben & Carol), Casey, Ray, Maura, Simba, and everyone at B&R for putting together this wonderful tribute and for giving me this prestigious honor. More importantly, hank you B&R, for the financial nourishment you’ve provided to countless social change groups in our area. There’s nobody like you; it is so difficult to get this work funded; and it’s safe to say that many critically important campaigns would not have succeeded, and many activist groups would be gone if it weren’t for your investment in their work.

I want to thank my family and my dearest loved ones for coming tonight and for all your love and support. This is a just a fraction of my gigantic family up front here, and they are my rocks –especially my wonderful parents, Joe and Marianne Black, who share this award with me because it was from them I learned all my economic and social justice values. I love you all.

There’s no way I’d ever be a candidate for this award or any other award, if I hadn’t spent the past 15 years working at AFSCME DC47. For decades, our Council has enjoyed a deserved reputation as one of the most progressive unions around, under the leadership of Presidents Tom Cronin and Cathy Scott. They built a position for me and gave me a union home where I could do the health and safety work I love. And they gave me the space and license to do all this coalition work that got me here tonight. So thank you, Tom & Cathy, and all my sisters and brothers at DC47 for the trust you invested in me, and for always saying “yes” to my incessant appeals for donations and dues, institutional support, affiliations, resolutions, and for just generally putting up with me, especially during my long menopausal, bitch on wheels years. (Ray Murphy made me say that. And now he has to buy me a drink.)

I can hardly believe these words are about to come out of my mouth, but thank you also Chief Justice John Roberts, for not raining on our parade! Health care for all, baby. Health care for all.

Is CLUW in the house? Thank God for the sisterhood.

Over the years male labor leaders have periodically told me we don’t need a women’s constituency group– that we’re all one, fighting for the same things.

Not always.

If it weren’t for CLUW, there would be no mention ever of domestic violence, contraceptive equity, or reproductive health on labor’s agenda, even though every one of those issues is directly connected to advancing women’s rights on the job. Pushing for action on these issues hasn’t always been easy, though it has been great fun watching male labor leaders squirm every time we bring up birth control.

There’s still plenty we need to win, and some rights we now need to win again. Happily, a fabulous new generation of smart, confident, skilled women is rising to these challenges. CLUW’s Young Women’s Committee is the envy of the local labor movement, and its future. (Where are you, amazing young women? There they are – my retirement plan, personified.) They’re doing great things, learning everything they can, preparing themselves to be the leaders of this movement we love. They give me confidence that what we’ve built over the last hundred years is going to survive and grow.

Congratulations to tonight’s other terrific honorees. It’s a particular pleasure to be honored with two other CLUW members, my dear sister/girlfriend/partner in crime, Janet Ryder, who has taught me so much; I MISS YOU!; and my brother and dear friend, Jim Savage, the most kick ass, truth-talking, fun and funny labor leader I’ve ever met. Congratulations to you, Jim, Dennis, Nancy, John and everyone who worked so hard to save those refineries and all those good union jobs. We need more victories like this one.

I see so many friends and allies out in the audience tonight. I know you to all be fantastic activists and organizers, and so I’m going to take advantage of my privilege of the moment and ask you to do two things, because that’s what we organizers do .

Please join the Coalition for Healthy Families and Workplaces and help us make Philadelphia the next great city to pass an earned sick leave bill. Call City Council members, ask them to support Bill Greenlee’s bill, and remind them they’re Democrats! They were elected by the people, to represent the interests of the people of our working class city, not Comcast. You can assure them that the Chicken Little Chamber of Commerce’s hysterical rantings are utter nonsense. Capitalism will not collapse if we pass this modest protection so workers can stay home when they or their kids get sick, without risking a paycheck or their job. This is a rare chance in our current ugly political climate to actually advance rights for workers, and we can make it happen if you all help – and there’s lots of ways you can help. BTW, another group of savvy, fabulous young women lead this campaign.

Second, Please join US Labor Against the War. Our government continues to spend trillions on unnecessary wars, weapons, and overseas bases, while our schools, infrastructure and social safety net are on the brink of collapse. It’s obscene; it’s immoral; it must change. Getting Congress to significantly cut military spending and fund human needs is USLAW’s current priority. As a start, we’re passing City Council resolutions around the country, including the one we passed here in Philly a week ago. We are the only organized voice in the history of our labor movement to challenge American foreign policy and do this work. We need your dollars and your energy to amplify that voice and start shifting American policy away from waging war toward waging peace. – please check it out. (Membership forms for CLUW and USLAW available up front after the show.)

“We ask for nothing that is not right, and herein lies the great power of our demand.” Paul Robeson said that. He wasn’t talking about the labor movement specifically, but it’s just as true for us.

We have the privilege of working on those issues that most drive our passions, and that contribute to positive change in the world – plus we get paid union wages and benefits to do it. I am so proud and thrilled and overwhelmed to get this award. But the truth is, the work has been its own reward, and I am grateful every day that I have been able to spend my working life doing what I believe in down to my core.

Movements and union work are not about individual achievements, and I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing by myself. I thank every one of you for all the amazing work you do, and for being my sisters and brothers in the cause. When we fight together we win.

Thanks one last time to B&R for this wonderful night. I’ve always loved the name of this community fund. The Bread & Roses strike is iconic in labor history, especially for women workers. Those immigrant women were so abused and deprived, yet their strike demands were not just for better wages and working conditions, but for a full, meaningful life, enriched by the art, love and beauty all our spirits need. I’ve tried to incorporate those elements into my work and my life too – with special emphasis recently on Art and love – because after all, as my favorite old union adage goes, “nothing’s too good for the working class.”

Thank you so very, very much.

Kathy Black, June 28, 2012

Saturday, July 07, 2012

2012 Conference of the National Organization for Women, Part I

I have been attending NOW conferences regularly for the past ten years. I believe the first was in 2001, the year I became Philadelphia NOW chapter President. At that point I felt an obligation to attend. I recall that at every one of these conferences NOW was engaged in soul-searching—how can we attract more young women, more women of color? The soul-searching continues.

If attendance at national NOW conferences is any indication, NOW has been more successful at attracting young women than women of color (of all ages). It seems that every year the number of women of color at national conferences is smaller. I checked my perception against that of other regular NOW conference attendees and they confirmed my perception. (Of course these are subjective recollections. I have no hard data to back this up.)

The number of young feminists at national conferences appears to have remained relatively constant over the past decade, but the faces change. While many older members tend to attend national conferences faithfully year after year, this is much less likely to be the case with younger members. NOW members in their sixties, seventies, and eighties have been involved in the organization for over three/four decades and they generally are intensely loyal to it; with younger members, identification with NOW is much less powerful. They are not necessarily convinced that membership in NOW is essential to the feminist project. If NOW is to survive and thrive it must build a diverse cadre of young feminists deeply committed to the organization.

One of the most powerful presentations at the conference was “Young Feminists Organizing.” NOW's young, dynamic Action Vice President Erin Matson opened the session with a tribute to young feminists: “Younger women are leading the feminist movement--online and in the streets.” She acknowledged the tremendous achievements of an older generation of feminists, but the suggestion was clear—-it’s time for generational change.

Sandra Fluke

The first panelist was Sandra Fluke, the young woman who has become a feminist rock star thanks to Rush Limbaugh’s response to her congressional testimony on access to contraception. Fluke thanked NOW for “having my back the past few months.” Like Matson, she focused on the contributions of young feminists: “Young feminists are on the move. If some were under the illusion that they were living in a post-feminist world, they have awakened from that.” Fluke suggested that NOW use the language of “gender equality” when trying to reach young people. She noted that younger women are concerned that stereotypes about masculinity may be oppressive to the young men in their lives—their brothers, partners and friends—and that young women and men might be more easily reached by using the language of gender equality. Fluke may be onto something here. I recall some of my Women’s Studies students at Community College of Philadelphia expressing a similar point.

Krystal Ball

The next speaker, former congressional candidate and MSNBC political commenter Krystal Ball, was introduced as the woman who made in it safe for the Facebook generation to run for office. Ball had forcefully pushed back against an attempt to use sexually explicit Facebook photos as a means of derailing her candidacy. Ball’s speech focused on young feminists’ response to Republican attacks on reproductive rights, including her campaign to boycott Rush Limbaugh because of his scurrilous attacks on Sandra Fluke. Ball stressed that the next battle will be against Republican governors who want to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid. As with many young feminists, Ball’s feminism is intertwined with a wide range of social justice issues.

Tamika Mallory

The third speaker, Tamika Mallory, discussed issues such as wage inequality and violence against women in the context of their impact on women of color. Mallory is the national executive director of one of the nation's leading civil rights organizations, National Action Network, founded by Reverend Al Sharpton. Just 31 years old, she is the youngest national executive director in the group's history. Mallory focused on voting rights issues, which she characterized as the major civil rights issue of the 21st century--one more battle we thought we had won in the 1960’s which we are fighting all over again.

For many young feminists, their feminism is intertwined with wide range of social justice issues. Of course many older feminists recognize the interconnections, but young feminists have often placed greater emphasis on the way gender justice is intertwined with issues of race, class and sexuality. It’s perhaps a testimony to the gains that women have made that young feminists can do this. In my book on second wave feminism, FEMINISM IN PHILADELPHIA: THE GLORY YEARS, 1968-1982, founding member Lillian Ciarrochi argued “NOW was established to end sexism against women … The focus had to be women, women.” She was making an argument similar to that made by many in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s--that it was necessary to focus laser-like on civil rights for African-Americans and not get distracted by other issues. She now sees the feminist movement as at different stage: “Now I think the other issues are all intertwined. We’ve always known that but we had to focus [on sexism] in that way, in the early 70s. If we hadn’t we wouldn’t have gotten as much done. It’s the same with Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement.”

Many younger feminists have taken Women’s Studies courses organized around the intersection of race, class, gender and sexuality and their approach to feminist organizing reflects this. Although NOW has evolved in its approach and for some time has focused on these interconnections, not all feminists and social movement historians have recognized the extent to which NOW has embraced a more complex, inclusive approach to gender justice.

NOW’s leadership is committed to an inclusive vision but has yet to figure out how to make the organization more attractive to a diverse group of young feminists and to women of color of all ages. The organization is currently involved in major effort to revamp its structure. I attended a series of workshop on “ Modernizing NOW” and had plenty of time to think about what structural changes would make NOW more attractive to a diverse group of young people. I got what I thought was a brilliant new idea—-NOW should become involved in the global feminist movement. When I shared my idea informally with others, I discovered that many people were thinking along the exact same lines, suggesting this is an idea whose time has come.

NOW is a national organization with a domestic agenda. When NOW was founded in 1966 there was no visible global feminist movement. Much has changed in 46 years, including the capacity to connect with feminist organizations around the globe. NOW’s programming at national conferences reflects this. Among the workshops were several which placed feminist issues in global context: “Sex Trafficking - A Growing Criminal Industry that Harms Women, Children”; “Women Workers of the World: Unite to Fight for Our Dignity and Our Rights!” and the plenary session with Eve Ensler, founder of V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls.

However, NOW has no organizational connections with the global feminist movement. It’s not at all clear how such connections could be forged. It’s not like there is one over-arching global feminist organization with which NOW could affiliate. But if we were to figure out how to do this I think NOW would be a lot more attractive to a diverse group of women. Many recent immigrants—-from Africa and the Caribbean, Latin America and Asia—have a global perspective and a reconfigured NOW with an international dimension might be more attractive to such women. Also younger women whose education is increasingly international in orientation—-e.g., all those study abroad programs—-might be more receptive to a feminist organization directly involved in the global feminist movement. This is an issue the committee charged with recommendations to “modernize” NOW’s structure should seriously consider.