Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PA Congressmembers Key to State Budget Funds!

The PA Congressional Delegation is KEY to securing $848 million needed to balance the state budget. As of Tuesday night it appears likely that the US House leaders are short of the votes needed to pass HR 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (jobs/tax extender bill) before Memorial Day. Congressional failure to act on this bill will have a ripple and very negative effect on the state budget. This bill includes an extension of the enhanced federal Medicaid match rate (FMAP). If the bill doesn't pass, the 2010-2011 Commonwealth Budget will have a gaping $848 million hole on top of existing deficit projections, creating pressure for DEEP CUTS ACROSS THE BOARD.

The current enhanced FMAP is set to expire in December 2010. The pending legislation would provide states with another temporary (6 months) enhanced FMAP. Direct and immediate outreach with the following members of the PA Congressional delegation (and the editorial pages/radio shows in their districts) is critical:

  • Congressman Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276

  • Congressman Joe Sestak (202) 225-2011

  • Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (202) 225-4731

If you live or work in their districts, or serve people who do, please call their offices today!

Background: The H.R. 4213 also includes crucial extension of the provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) related to unemployment (extended benefits/less state costs absent action benefits will be cut off), COBRA (federal subsidy of a % of the cost to workers when they lose their jobs and want to continue their health insurance), a temporary extension of the Emergency Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) fund, as well as other provisions.

The cost of the bill is causing push back from some members. Given the continued poor performance of the economy, staggering unemployment (9% for PA), increased demand for Medicaid and other health and human services, these temporary extensions are needed to promote continued economic recovery and to provide support to PA families who are suffering the fall out of the recession. Call and urge them to invest in PA's future. To shortchange efforts for continued economic recovery is shortsighted and harmful to Pennsylvania communities!


Q – Doesn’t the enhanced FMAP remain in effect through December 2010.

A – Yes, the enhanced FMAP rate (the federal government covering more of Medicaid costs as well as child welfare costs) remains in effect through December BUT the state fiscal year begins July 1st and that budget is being negotiated right now.

Gov. Rendell’s budget assumed the $848 million from an extended FMAP. Rendell wasn’t alone 29 other governors did the same thing given the positive/consistent signals from Congress – signals that included a May 7th letter to Democratic leaders that all of the representatives listed above signed.

Without Congressional action, Rendell and legislative leaders will have to assume that Congress likely never will advance the FMAP extension so they will have to adjust the 2010-2011 state budget blue print extracting the $848 million from the revenue bottom line.

Given the state’s $1 billion + deficit, the loss of $848 million will absolutely require dramatic revision of the pending budget including dramatic cuts already suggested by Governor Rendell (25% to child welfare, elimination of homeless and D&A services, 50% reduction to domestic violence and rape crisis, etc).

The vulnerable won’t only lose access to needed/critical services but any hope that the state can turn the corner on staggering unemployment will be overshadowed by additional job losses in the public and private sector.

Q: How do we justify such spending at a time of soaring national debt/deficits?

A: America’s immediate debt is disconcerting but the real threat to America’s ability to be restored to economic stability is linked to our long-term deficits and debt. This long-term debt is driven, in part, by rapid and dramatic health care costs and earlier Congressional decisions to enact tax cuts (i.e. the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, including for the top 2% of the income brackets) that significantly reduced the degree to which the federal government had available revenues.

Tough choices must be made, but such choices must be balanced and recognize the need to undertake some short term degree of federal spending to strengthen the economy, spur employment, and help states respond to mounting demand for health care, nutrition services, child care, and other supports that help families faced with pink slips instead of paychecks.

Make the Call, Place the Email, Send a Tweet so PA’s delegation steps up to the plate!

Sunday, May 16, 2010



Joe Hoeffel

Lt. Governor
Jonathan Saidel

US Senate
Joe Sestak

State Senator
Leanna Washington (4th)

State Representative
Pam DeLissio (194th)
Mark Cohen (202nd)
Anthony Ingargiola (195th)
Babette Josephs (182nd)
Vanessa Lowery Brown (190th)
Mike O'Brien (175th)
Cherelle Parker (200th)
Curtis Thomas (181st)

State Committee
Karen Bojar (4th)

Our Spring newsletter with endorsees is available on our site, or you can print this post. Please distribute widely!! Help our pro-choice, feminist candidates by sending this link to friends and family!

If you can volunteer on Election Day, distribute NOW's ballot at your polling place, or contact:

Joe Hoeffel for Governor
1420 Walnut St, Ste 1300

Phone: (215) 302-2010
Visit:! volunteer

Joe Sestak for U.S. Senate
2013 Sansom St

Phone: (215) 352-6213

Reelect State Representative Mike O'Brien, 175th district
714 N. 3rd Street

Phone: (215)432-6090

Reelect State Representative Babette Josephs, 182nd district

Phone: David Zaga (617) 216-115

Reelect Representative Vanessa Brown, 190th district

Phone: (267) 233-6281

Pam DeLissio for State Representative, 194th district

Phone: 215-914-6479/610-822-4245


Anthony Ingargiola for State Representative, 195th district

Phone: (215) 909-7384




Why I’m running:

Democratic State Committee endorses candidates in Democratic primaries, and thus has considerable influence on the quality of the candidates elected.

My goals are: 1) to elect more strong, progressive candidates to statewide offices, especially women, now greatly under-represented in the PA Legislature, and 2) to get the Democratic Party to do a better job of turning out votes in off-year elections.

I have the strong support of the progressive 9th ward and have been endorsed by the Democratic party, by the Political Action Committee of the Phila. Chapter of the National Organization for Women, the Southeastern PA Political Action Committee of the National Organization for Women, and the Southeastern PA chapter of Americans for Democratic Action.

About me:
I recently retired from my job as Professor of English and Women’s Studies and Coordinator of the Women’s Studies program at Community College of Phila. I now have the time to work as a full-time volunteer on feminist projects and grassroots electoral politics. I am really enjoying it!

I have served as a Democratic Committee person in the 9th Ward for the past 24 years. Now that I am retired, I intend to vote devote more time to voter education and get out the vote work.

I have recently retired as President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for Women--a post I held for 8 years. I am still involved with NOW and am working to support our wonderful new leaders and to build the newly formed Southeastern Pennsylvania NOW Political Action Committee.

I have also been elected to the board of Philly Cam, our local public cable access channel. In that capacity, I have begun to organize local women’s groups to develop a regular program on women’s issues. Anyone interested in this project should contact me at:

Finally, I’ve started a blog intended for women who are retired or thinking about retirement at I would love to have your comments!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Philadelphia NOW Endorsements Spring 2010


Joe Hoeffel

Lt. Governor
Jonathan Saidel

US Senate
Joe Sestak

State Senator
Leanna Washington (4th)

State Representative
Pam DeLissio (194th)
Mark Cohen (202nd)
Anthony Ingargiola (195th)
Babette Josephs (182nd)
Vanessa Lowery Brown (190th)
Mike O'Brien (175th)
Cherelle Parker (200th)
Curtis Thomas (181st)

State Committee
Karen Bojar (4th)

Our Spring newsletter with endorsees is available on our site, or you can print this post. Please distribute widely!! Help our pro-choice, feminist candidates by sending this link to friends and family!

If you can volunteer on Election Day, distribute NOW's ballot at your polling place, or contact:

Joe Hoeffel for Governor
1420 Walnut St, Ste 1300

Phone: (215) 302-2010
Visit:! volunteer

Joe Sestak for U.S. Senate
2013 Sansom St

Phone: (215) 352-6213

Reelect State Representative Mike O'Brien, 175th district
714 N. 3rd Street

Phone: (215)432-6090

Reelect State Representative Babette Josephs, 182nd district

Phone: David Zaga (617) 216-115

Reelect Representative Vanessa Brown, 190th district

Phone: (267) 233-6281

Pam DeLissio for State Representative, 194th district

Phone: 215-914-6479/610-822-4245


Anthony Ingargiola for State Representative, 195th district

Phone: (215) 909-7384


Stand with Joe Hoeffel

The National Organization for Women in PA enthusiastically supports Joe Hoeffel for Governor. He's got experience. He's got a record on our issues. But most exciting, he's got a backbone. He's a progressive, feminist candidate and proud of it.

He's also the smartest guy in the race with solid plans to grow Pennsylvania's economy, to keep money in the state, and to create 21st century, family-sustaining jobs. He recommends a sensible approach to the Marcellus Shale, and supports a moratorium to drilling in the Delaware watershed so potential harms to our drinking water can be evaluated. He proposes local control over handgun laws, which would give urban areas the legal foundation they need to drive down homicides, while leaving rural gun issues alone. He is a staunch advocate for women's rights: equal pay for equal work, equal access to healthcare, and reproductive rights. He supports gay marriage.

Dan Onorato, by contrast, does not support marriage equality. Onorato is also anti-abortion. He has stated he will support the status quo on abortion, but the status quo is harmful to women. His refusal to deal head-on with the reproductive issues so central to women's lives is a refusal seen at every level of government. It leads to chronic underfunding of access to family planning education, allows insurance companies to refuse to cover birth control, and has, by neglect, created broad negative consequences for maternity care. At the national level we saw that reproductive rights are vulnerable because they are not important enough to a majority of legislators to defend- they are viewed as 'chips' in the 'game'. Meanwhile women suffer. This attitude creates the conditions for back alley operations: it begets misery. Onorato is the Party-annointed frontrunner, which begs the question, how serious can the Democratic Party be about women's issues? Onorato's attitude, reflective of the Party stance, is to put reproductive rights on the backburner. Again.

Extremists nationwide come up with novel assaults on women's reproductive rights every day. Recently Oklahoma's state legislature passed a law allowing doctors to withhold information from women about their baby's birth defect, apparently to prevent abortions. Oklahoma and other states are pushing reproductive rights as far backwards as they can. They know there's a reactionary Supreme Court just waiting for the right case. Now is the time to move reproductive rights to the frontburner.

The basis of a woman's freedom is her ability to decide for herself when she will become a parent. Joe Hoeffel understands that. He also happens to be good on the economy, labor, government reform, and the environment. He's the total package. All along he's been direct and clear about his plans for Pennsylvania and on the issues. All along Joe Hoeffel has stood right up and championed women's rights, worker's rights, LGBT rights. But the ultimate decision will be made by voters on May 18th. With Joe a close second in polls, your vote is crucial. Now it's time for us to stand up with Joe Hoeffel.

by Caryn Hunt

Interview with Joe Hoeffel

Just a few of the many good reasons PA NOW endorses Joe Hoeffel!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Joe Sestak, Best Choice for US Senate

To kick off Mother's Day weekend, Joe Sestak brought his campaign and his mom to South Philadelphia to focus on women's issues. South Philly Moms got something they REALLY want - A TRUE DEMOCRAT!

I had the chance to say a few words about Joe Sestak for US Senate:

Joe Sestak has a record of standing up on behalf of women. He is the pro-choice, feminist candidate in this race. He was one of only 5 Pennsylvania Representatives that voted against the Stupak-Pitts Amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill, an amendment that makes the right of a legal abortion essentially meaningless because it will effectively kill access.

He authored the Gender Equity Act of 2010 to redress economic injustices to women in the workplace and to help those who are caregivers in their families. He has co-sponsored important legislation for women including the Lilly Ledbetter Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act which extends the time women have to report pay discrimination.

He is a strong supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment and full rights and privileges for civil marriages. He is pro-labor, a staunch advocate for small business and co-sponsored the Internet Freedom Act to establish net neutrality as the law of the land. For all these reasons and more, the National Organization for Women enthusiastically supports Joe Sestak for the Senate.

Joe Sestak's stance on women's issues is consistent, and illustrates his deep integrity; he does not blow with the wind.

We don't need another Blue Dog Democrat. We don't need another Senator whose only concern is political survival, who will horsetrade away rights and protections for women. We need a Senator who realizes women are half the population, not just another special interest group.

We need Joe Sestak in the US Senate!

To learn more about his campaign go to
Caryn Hunt